Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This blog is completely off-topic from my usual posts, however it is something that I feel strongly about and would like to give my point. In recent news, France have passed the law for gay people to marry, being the 14th country to do so. I ask out-loud, why are people still offended by this? My parents have other views bordering the fence with being okay with it and thinking its not right to marry in a church. Quoting, "it's against nature and isn't right". Well neither are a lot of things in this world.

Is the human race meant to be this advanced that we forge together and wield weapons of mass destruction, blowing our own kind to pieces?
If we are the superior race, is it right for us to kill or torture animal species?
We are the top of the food chain, is it right to eat each other (seeing as fish eat fish)?

Maybe the answers are no but it still happens.
If evolution has taken other species to new, higher, immoral levels then why is it frowned upon for our own species to evolve also? Our earth goes through many dramatic changes in its life time; ice ages and fireballs, thus killing off species. Global warming may just be the start of another, maybe this reason is that there are too many of us. We are overpopulating the earth with high birth rates and lower death rates. My point being; why do we frown upon the people whose choices disable them to reproduce?

If we want to adopt a multicultural society, this means accepting other peoples faiths and religions (reluctantly). A decrease in our own religion, Christianity means that less people follow the Bible. Those who marry do not wish to commit themselves to God, but to each other in a way accepted by society, which is marrying in a Church.
Most people do not have a problem with gay marriage, it is the churches and groups of people belonging to different religions that appose to it.

Maybe it isn't natural for someone to be attracted to the same sex, but neither is the desire to kill, or the desire to take lives for the sake of religion. What we want from society is to build a picture of the perfect race, and cover up all that is "wrong".
Two people of the same sex wanting to marry is not on the same scale as taking a life, so why is it looked down on that way? If two people love each other and want to commit like any other loving couple they should be allowed to do so.

There are some people who are not apposed to gay marriages, but are apposed to the adopting of a child. "If you chose to be with the same sex, you give up that right to have a child".
Firstly, gay people do not "choose" to be gay. Second, a person who owns that right may abuse the right. A woman may sleep around and have children by multiple men. Does she still own that right?

If a gay couple would like a child, how is it different from a straight couple not wanting a child?
Thousands of pounds are spent by individual STRAIGHT couples on IVF treatment for a child. If they cannot produce a child, are they not in the same predicament as a gay couple who also cannot produce a child?

It should not be imperative for every living human to produce offspring, why does society say you have to have children?
I am a straight female who does not want children, I have always known I do not want children.
If I had always known I wanted a child and then later on in life were gay, why should that instinct be taken away from me from something that isn't my choice?
There are plenty children in the world up for adoption, who need loving parents to take care of them. Why should it matter what sexual preferences you have if you know you could love a child that isn't biologically yours, unconditionally?

There are bigger things in this world to appose to.