Sunday, October 28, 2012

POEM: Lonely In The Day

And fixed I shall believe to be, the broken thing inside of me
One chance remains, one last leg,
I took the hint this time.
Dark is good.
Mortals just are we that stand,
and on this hanbuilt land we shout, spit commands
and the light is what confuses us. Fixed by dark it seems.

The light makes me insane

Thursday, October 25, 2012


As I progress through my second year at college, I have doubts on where I want my life to head career wise.
 Throughout my life, many paths have been my ambition, including:
 astronaut, astronomer, astrologer, physicist, artist, CSI, lyricist, poet, author, illustrator, musician, singer, fashion designer, fashion blogger, editor, presenter, local MP and finally - Game designer.

That's a pretty long list of options.
It's pretty optimistic if I did  know what I wanted to do, but still, most people are applying for universities. Is that the right path for someone who's confused?
As much as I love my job, I don't want my position at McDonald's to become my career.

Here's my dilemma, if I go to uni confused, I'd have wasted and hold a debt of £30,000 with no gain. If I don't go, I'll stay working 'just for now', but I'll never quit. 
If I were to take another college course, I wouldn't know what to pick?!

If anyone reading this would like to employ a confused 18 year old, please contact me below...

Friday, October 19, 2012

POEM: Parts

I am an object to be tampered with, a broken thing you cannot fix.

But like a fool you try, and fail everytime. Give up and finally see, believe all there was of me. To take it back with frustration, just as I start to believe. I'm a person who's nearly fixed

but now I'm broke again.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I thought I'd share two of my many recent purchases which I have fallen in love with!
The first being my newly beloved, my baroque print cardigan. I am sooo lucky to have this! I browsed River Islands 'New In' at the very start of the A/W collection and I completely fell in love, after a few weeks of never seeing it in store, I inevitably forgot about it. 
River Islands recent half price sale was sent to me in an email so of corse I couldn't refuse a look! Only to find my beloved, half price! But that's not all, I go into River Island with my hopes low of finding it and I was right. A similar jumper catches my eye and as to my disappointment it's not there. However, I look to the floor and at my feet is my beloved, in my size! Ahhh..!